$ 40.00
‘Ohana’ means family. Family doesn’t always have to be blood relatives, but rather the people who come into your life and you never want to leave. Anyone who does not provide for...
$ 40.00
God is greater than the highs and lows of life. Throughout life, we will have good times as well as trying times. Always remember that God is there, and He is...
$ 40.00
God created the angels for many purposes, including guiding, protecting, encouraging and strengthening us. God has commanded His angels concerning you. Though we may not see them or know they...
$ 40.00
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. ~Hebrews 11:1 This one bracelet comes with a silver-toned "Believe" charm attached. The...
$ 40.00
She Believed She Could....so She Did! Each Bracelet $40.00 For Christians, the belief in Christ as our savior provides a source of strength and empowerment in overcoming trials. The life of...
$ 40.00
Choose Faith over anxiety, Hope over worry and Love over fear every day! Having Hope will give you courage~Job 18:11
$ 40.00
Medical professionals need the power of God just as much as their patients. Wear this bracelet and know that you are covered in God’s prayer every day as you care...
$ 40.00
I sought the Lord, and He answered me and delivered me from all my fears. ~Psalm 34:4 One silver-toned ''When Life Gets too Hard to Stand, Kneel" charm comes on...
$ 40.00
Pick the one you would like to wear One night I dreamed a dream.As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my...
$ 40.00
Sometimes obstacles arrive in life that seems like conquering a tall brick wall. In times like these, "Let your faith be bigger than your fear". Go forward knowing God has...
$ 40.00
According to Merriam Webster, the definition of flourish is to reach a height of development or influence. Let the outward display of your faith influence others to develop their faith!...
$ 40.00
I didn't just evolve into what I am. I was created and designed with a purpose. The blueprints of me are similar to other human beings but they're not exactly...
$ 40.00
I am a new creation! What an amazing thought for the day. Once we turn our lives over to Christ, we become new again. He takes everything: all our old...
$ 40.00
God has his own sense of timing: 'With the Lord, a day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like a day' (2 Peter 3:8). He has...
$ 40.00
God is greater than the highs and lows. Throughout life, we will have good times as well as trying times. Always remember that God is there and He is greater...
$ 40.00
If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. ~Glatians 5:25 This one bracelet comes just as pictured. No charm is added. Centered-Cross is...
$ 40.00
May an Angels love surround you, today and always! ~Psalm 91:11 For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go.
$ 40.00
Your faith is meant to grow and go! Just like a mustard seed. I pray that you may see your faith grow like a mustard seed and that you will be...
$ 40.00
"God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change. The courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." These words are...
$ 40.00
Whenever you do not understand what's happening in your life just close your eyes and take a deep breath and Whisper His Name. " Dear God, I know it's your...
$ 40.00
Your life is as good as your mindset. Grace always shocks. Grace always stuns. Grace is always what we need. It's what everyone wondering around lost in the dark has...
$ 40.00
Prayer is the most powerful way to connect with God. Pray for others, yourself, and don’t forget to thank God daily for all that you have. Prayer isn’t hard, it’s...
$ 40.00
Dear Lord, Help me speak with godly wisdom. I want to choose words that I whisper softly, sweetly, suitable, and scant. Amen Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to...
$ 40.00
Note the three contrasting white beads clustered in the beautiful black beads. Wear this bracelet as a reminder to do 3 acts of kindness daily. Share kindness everywhere you go! Kind...