
Traveling from one place to another can either be a trip or a journey. While a trip simply indicates travel from one place to another, the word journey speaks more to the process. It entails all the things you would do, see, decide, experience and react to in your path of travel. That's why growing in faith is called a faith journey. It isn't a place we arrive at, but rather a journey we take to search, learn, grow, sometimes stumble, but always continue to move forward. Just as these Jasper stone bracelets are all different, everyone's journey through faith and life is different. Wear this bracelet as a reminder to not compare your journey to anyone else. Just continue to experience all that God has placed before you as you travel through this life.

Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. ~ Psalm 119:105

No two stones are identical making them more unique. Stones will vary in size, color, and design. Picture shown compares how the stones vary from one to another.